Why don't you represent young performers?

We can't deny there are a huge number of extremely talented young performers out there and we love seeing them succeed in the industry. But we know that it is really important that young performers are represented by agencies that are experts in child performance regulations to ensure that their clients are being looked after and are not missing out on their education, or being put at risk in any way. We are not willing to risk the safety of any of our clients, so we will not represent young performers when we do not have the experience or expertise needed for such an important job.
Performance regulations apply to anyone who is still in compulsory education, so we could represent people from the age of 16. However, as many young people continue in state funded higher education and the government is looking at raising the school leaving age to 18, we decided to keep things simple and not offer representation to anyone under the age of 18.
Instead, we recommend people under the age of 18 look at signing with an agency that specialises in representing young performers. These agencies will have the skills and knowledge to represent you effectively, working alongside parents / carers to ensure your career is as safe and rewarding as can be.
If you are a parent of a young performer, we recommend you download a copy of the Children (Performances and Activities) (England) Regulations 2014. This sets out the legal expectations for young performers. You may also want to consider registering as a Chaperone if you plan on accompanying your child to engagements.